Dog Treatment for Allergies

You may not ever have heard of dog allergies, or you may have noticed something strange with your dog lately. If you’re a new dog owner, or have never encountered a dog with allergies before, you may not be aware of the common dog allergy symptoms.

However, with as many as twenty percent of dogs thought to have some form of allergy, it’s a good idea to learn what they look like, just in case! Here are a few of the common dog allergy symptoms to look for:

* Hair loss – unexplained hair loss on large areas of the body.

* Skin problems – an allergy may be present if your dog suffers from a dry, flaky, itchy skin. You might even notice hives or swellings, or sometimes even areas that look like ringworm. A trip to the vet should allow you to distinguish between other diseases or conditions and an allergy related skin disorder.

* Ear inflammations – excessive redness, shaking of the head, or constant scratching at the ears may also be a symptom of an allergy.

* Chronic hot spots – raw, inflamed areas of skin, usually caused by your dog licking excessively.

* Excessive scratching, biting or chewing on itself. Some dogs become almost obsessed, to the extent that they injure themselves!

* Poor coat – dull, dry or excessive shedding hair may all be a result of an allergy, rather than seasonal change or other factors. If your dog is looking shabby, with no good reason, there’s a good chance you’ve got an allergic pooch on your hands.

* An upset stomach – usually a symptom of a food allergy. Loose stools and vomiting are typical examples of allergic reactions to foods.

If any or all of these are present in your dog, and you have noticed them over some time, chances are you’re looking at dog allergy symptoms. It’s also worth noting that sometimes, dogs that were not allergic to something before, suddenly (or gradually) develop an allergy to it.

Unlike diseases, allergies cannot be cured, but they can be treated, simply by removing the irritant that is causing the dog allergy symptoms. While that may sound simple, it’s not always. Your dog cannot speak to you to tell you what’s causing irritation. He probably doesn’t even know himself. In fact, many dogs with food allergies will gratefully wolf down the very things that are causing their allergy.

For this reason, it’s important to keep a close eye out for dog allergy symptoms, and if you do notice them, to begin the long, and sometimes arduous, process of elimination that will help you identify the allergen. Then it’s simply a case of removing it from the dog’s environment.

Again, an allergy is not curable, but it can usually be treated by removing the allergen. Sometimes, your veterinarian may suggest treatments of another kind, for example cortisone. Whatever the treatment is though, you can rest assured that your dog will feel much better without the often pesky dog allergy symptoms he’s been living with!

Dog Treatment for Itchy Skin

A dogs treatment is available for pets with itchy skin. If you are looking for a solution to this problem, the article below will provide you with information on possible causes and treatments.

Dog itchy skin is tough to diagnose. Some dogs truly have a problem while others just like to scratch! So if itchy skin is so common, there must be effective treatments out there, right? As we’ll explore below, causes of dog itchy skin include parasites, allergens and skin infections and there are effective natural treatments for each one…

I am itchy just thinking about this! We shouldn’t let our pets suffer with itchy skin.

How to Start a Bakery for Homemade Dog Treats

Starting a homemade dog treat bakery for dogs is a great way to take control of your financial future.  There is a lot of money to be made in the pet business right now.  The creator of this product, Chris Trombley has launched hundreds of products into the pet industry while a senior manager in a national pet food company.

“Just ONE of Chris’s Treats Sold More Than $1,000,000 in Only 3 Months”

We’ll provide you with a detailed step-by-step business system designed to have you on your way to claiming your own six-figure piece of the $56,000,000,000 (that’s BILLION) dollars spent on pets annually.

Now that’s certainly a tall statement, but let us show you how it’s very possible, in fact, quite straightforward to start and operate your own highly profitable pet bakery using the step-by-step instructions provided in this course…

Bake A Dog Bone

bakery for dogs
How to start a bakery for dogs treats

Here are just some of the amazing secrets, tips and techniques included in this success material…

  • The SURE-FIRE Secret to creating a buzz in your market by partnering with other “Pet Professionals!” (page 78)
  • How to QUICKLY Avoid the #1 Mistake New Pet Treat Bakers Make that causes them to struggle to maintain any level of profitability or success…so you can start out right and grow quick (page 13)
  • A Step-By-Step Order Tracking System… that will allow you to dominate your market with your knowledge of your customers (page 97)
  • The absolute “Bullet-Proof” Best Treats to bake and sell – IMMEDIATELY! (page 21)
  • The Golden Rule of Pet Parent Customer Service and how one ‘sin’ can cost you plenty in sales and reputation (page 89)
  • The Fastest and BEST Strategy to test your marketing plans (page 73)
  • How to deal with regulatory agencies – AAFCO, FDA, CVM, DSHEA (page 46)
  • Quickly and Easily Identify the single deadliest human ingredients for pets… ensuring healthier pets and happier owners! (page 100)

Go inside the minds of the most successful pet treat bakers today to learn their secrets right now by clicking the link below.

How to start a bakery for dogs treats

Dogs Mange Treatment

The dogs mange treatment will help rid your pet of this skin disorder and prevent serious side effects. Mange is very uncomfortable for your pet and should be treated. The article below will explain canine mange and how it can be treated.

Canine mange is a skin disorder that is caused by the presence of mites that exist on the skin of the dog or in the hair follicles and may even burrow under the skin. Mites are always present on dogs, but certain mites will cause reactions that create uncomfortable symptoms if left untreated.

If left untreated, mange can cause very uncomfortable side effects and worsen with time.

Treatment for Dog Fleas

There are many treatment for dog fleas options to choose from. Fleas can be very difficult to get rid of so it is important that you find a good treatment. The article below will describe fleas and how to treat them.

Fleas are a problem for dogs and their owners alike. These tiny insects will live on the body of your dog, sucking the animal’s blood and laying eggs. The bites and presence of fleas will cause the dog to itch and if the dog happens to be allergic to fleas (the allergy is technically to the insects’ saliva) it can experience extreme itching, loss of fur in some places, inflammation, and infections. Regardless of whether the dog has an allergy to flea saliva, infestations must be dealt with or they will go on and on and the fleas will also infest your home, other pets, and can even live on humans. In short; you can be directly and adversely affected by an uncontrolled flea infestation.

Detecting Fleas:

If you suspect that your dog has fleas because it’s been scratching more than usual, there are ways to check for their presence. Fleas are very small (about an eighth of an inch long), but visible to the naked eye, and brownish in color. Because they prefer dark places they will try to hide beneath the dog’s fur, under the collar, or on the underbelly. Their fecal material can also be seen on the dog’s coat and looks like multiple black flecks or specks – almost like pepper. If fleas or their droppings are found it is time to treat your dog to get rid of them.

Treating Your Dog for Fleas:

While flea collars, powders, and sprays may help to prevent infestations to some extent, they will not help if the dog is already infested. When fleas are infesting a dog the female lays eggs at a rate of about thirty per day. These eggs fall off the dog and into the carpet, soil, or wherever the dog may be. In these areas they hatch and pupate, eventually growing into adult fleas which can then re-infest the dog. In order to halt the cycle all the fleas on the dog and in the environment must be killed or the life cycle must be interrupted.

There are several flea treatments available for dogs, but one of the best is an oral medication that will not kill adult fleas, but does kill the eggs and larva. This interrupts the flea life cycle and prevents them from coming back, as long as the dog is not continually exposed to new fleas. If that is happening, the source must be cleaned of fleas whether it is the carpet, the environment, or other dogs with which your pet associates.

Fleas can be a real nuisance for dogs and their owners, but catching them and treating the dog quickly is the key to eliminating the infestation and preventing the insects’ return.